I care about your discretionary spending – so I give you Budgeting Advice
As you go to purchase those roses, please keep your budget in mind.
using money for nonessential expenses like dining out, shopping, entertainment, gifts, etc.
Everyone before, in or after Bankruptcy needs to have a budget and watch your discretionary spending.
Bankruptcy aside, budgets are critical to success even on Valentine’s Day.
During my initial consultation with clients, among other items, I ask my clients to list all their normal and necessary expenses.
Taking their income less the required necessary expenses, we get to see discretionary spending.
Most clients are amazed at how much discretionary dollars are spent. Usually, they cannot describe what these dollars are spent on.
Now we review their credit card statements and the dollars spent on their discretionary spending become clearer.
Budgeting Advice
Discretionary Spending
- Especially, unnecessary spending for debtors must be re-evaluated constantly.
- Discretionary spending must be reasonable. As a bankruptcy attorney, I continue to remind my clients to look at all their budgets and spending. Yes, even Valentine’s Day spending. Nationwide spending on Valentine’s gifts grows each year. Even with the current state of affairs in the country, spending on Valentine’s Day gifts is expected to rise.
- Remember even small expenses outside your budget can contribute to putting you deeper in debt. When those credit card bills arrive, you might not be able to meet the minimum monthly payment due. The interest rates are staggering and mount up quickly.
Before you buy those roses for Valentine’s Day and spend more than you need to:
Please Read Below:
Meaning of Sending the number of Roses:
1 Rose May be all you need to bring or send – one long stem rose with a card from you.
- 1 Rose
Love at 1st Sight – You are still the one.
- 9 Roses
A big jump up from six, nine roses symbolize eternal love or “I want to be with you forever.”
- 10 Roses
You are a perfect ten – you are perfection….
- 12 Roses
A dozen is like picking the best heart from a Sweetheart candy box; it means “be mine“
- 13 Roses
13 may be a baker’s dozen but not so in love – be careful in sending 13
- 24 Roses
You may be feeling guilty or are you overdoing it?
The recipient, if they love you, will not want to add to your overspending.
A loved one would rather sacrifice the rose and not add to your financial stresses.
The recipient would not want you to go over budget and contribute to your spending more than your budget allows.
Valentine’s Day might be the most romantic holiday of the year, but there is nothing romantic about going into debt for overspending.
You can buy gifts for those you love, as long as it is within your budget.
However, if you are falling behind in your monthly payments, I am here to help you.
I am here to offer you bankruptcy protection. We can go through your budget, spending, income, expenses and determine if bankruptcy is right for you.
Call me today. Bankruptcy Consultation | NJ Bankruptcy Law Firm
Learn more about me:
Ralph A. Ferro, Jr., Esq. Board Certified Bankruptcy Lawyer
After our initial free consultation, you will be clear on your:
- Income
- Expenses
- Discretionary Spending
- Your Budget
- Goals for future financial success
If bankruptcy is right for you, which bankruptcy? Chapter 7, Chapter 13, or Chapter 11?
How I can help you with Bankruptcy Lawyer Budgeting Advice?