Stop Foreclosure Law Firm
Foreclosure can be upsetting and scary. You receive a complaint that your lender is seeking Court action to foreclose on your home. You need to know that you have an option to Stop the Foreclosure that enables you to keep your home. You and your family deserve the stability to stay in your home.
Stopping a foreclosure allows an individual/family to keep their home. Clients call me in a panic thinking that it is the end of their world. They want to stop the foreclosure process. When the process begins, it is a stressful time. However, I can ease your stress. Keep in mind, that I have compassion for my clients.
Ultimately, each situation in unique to each client. I take the time to learn more about your particular situation. My clients rely on me because I am there for them.
I can stop your foreclosure immediately even if the Sheriff’s sale is the same day.
You do not want to lose the equity in your home. Filing a bankruptcy will give you an opportunity to protect your equity.
You may be procrastinating on what to do to stop foreclosure:
- You may be falling behind in your mortgage payments.
- I can work with you to bring your past due mortgage payments current.
- We can save your home.
- Do not let the lender take your home.
- Your home gives you security and a sense of ownership.
- Do not wait until the Sheriff’s sale is over.
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Help
- Chapter 13 allows you to reorganize your debt and organize your finances.
- You can pay off your debts including your mortgage arrearages over time.
- I can meet with you and discuss the entire process of filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. I can prepare a plan to get you back on track.
How to Stop Foreclosure the Same Day Before the Sheriff's Sale Takes Place
I will meet with you personally and determine if Ch. 13 is an option for you. If Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will benefit you, I can file your case the same day and Stop your Foreclosure immediately.
Working with me, you are never passed on to another associate. I meet with you, file your case, and work with you throughout the entire process. Rest assured. You hire me – I represent you personally.
During our free bankruptcy consultation meeting, I will analyze your assets and liabilities to determine if the assets exceed the protection of bankruptcy exemptions (what you can keep).
The sooner you come in for your free consultation, the sooner we can implement a plan that will achieve your desired financial goals.
There are no stand-in attorneys at my law firm.
Foreclosure Questions:
Have you?
- had periods of underemployment or unemployment.
- missed a mortgage payment or you just got behind.
- been denied a loan modification and the bank took long to answer.
- just received a foreclosure notification.
Utilize Chapter 13 bankruptcy to stop foreclosure to give you time to pay back the past due mortgage payments and keep your home.
Do not let the Bank or Sheriff decide whether you Stay in your Home or Leave your Home.
You dictate the payment terms – Not the bank and STOP your FORECLOSURE TODAY.
Call me now for a free consultation: Ralph A. Ferro, Jr., Esq. (201) 446-5904
Flexible times are available. You can always call my cell phone and reach me immediately. I am here to help you…..
Read my client reviews – I am committed to my clients.
Ralph A. Ferro, Jr., Esq. Bankruptcy Lawyer

Board Certified Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyer
Call me Today: I will stop the sheriff’s sale immediately.