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Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Program 2022

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Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Program 2022

student loan debt forgiveness

Written and Verified by Ralph A. Ferro, Jr., Esq.

2022 Discharge Student Loan Debt:  New Program Announced Today

November 17, 2022  –  Justice Department and Department of Education Announce New Program for Student Loan Forgiveness Program Process

This is a new excellent opportunity that previously was not available.  In the past, the main evaluation was the Brunner Test.   I have detailed this in the past which was almost impossible standards to meet.    However, this new program enables me to help you discharge your student loan debts in bankruptcy through “undue hardship”.

This program provides a better, fairer, more transparent process for student loan borrowers in bankruptcy.    In the past, Congress may have set a higher bar for granting these debts during bankruptcy.

I can help you file and complete your application for you during bankruptcy.   Student loan discharges, in the past, were too difficult for deserving borrowers.

Not only am I committed to helping you but also now the Department of Justice and Department of Education are committed to making this system work for borrowers.

There may be a full discharge or a partial discharge that was previously unavailable to my clients.

Why struggle any longer with paying back your student loan debts which makes it impossible to move forward?       With this new process/program, I can help clients who did not think they could get relief through bankruptcy.

Student Loan Debt Forgiveness

I am pleased this new program will take the long overdue burden off of my clients.      Now is the time to avail yourselves to this Debt Forgiveness of Student Loan Debt.

Call me today:   Ralph A. Ferro, Jr., Esq. for a Free Bankruptcy Consultation.